Trucking Accidents

Smith Magincalda helps with truck accidents

If you or someone you’re acquainted with has experienced a truck accident, we’re here to offer assistance. Reach out to the Texas truck accident law firm Smith Magincalda by dialing +1 (888) 322-4665. Our team of skilled legal professionals is ready to discuss the potential merits of pursuing legal action in your situation. 

Large commercial trucks play a crucial role in our economy, transporting vast amounts of cargo across Texas roads every year. However, due to their size and weight, these trucks can pose a significant risk to other drivers on the road, potentially leading to severe injuries or worse in the event of an accident. The impact of such injuries can be devastating, affecting various aspects of an individual’s life. Those who have been injured in a truck accident may have the right to seek financial compensation for their losses.

Accidents involving impaired truck drivers

Truck drivers are held to rigorous safety standards, including stringent rules about substance use, much like other motorists. When truck drivers decide to operate a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, they jeopardize not only their own safety but also the safety of everyone else on the road. Collisions involving large trucks and other vehicles can result in catastrophic consequences, often leaving the other party with severe injuries that demand immediate medical attention.

Driving under the influence is a grave offense that endangers innocent lives. Truck drivers who choose to drive while intoxicated should be held accountable for their irresponsible actions. Given the potential for extensive damage in truck accidents, drivers operating under the influence can face severe penalties.

Truck Defects and Malfunctions

When a large commercial truck experiences mechanical defects on the road, the truck driver might not have enough time to react and prevent an accident. These incidents often result in severe outcomes, as 18-wheelers and semi-trucks significantly outweigh most other vehicles on the road. If another motorist is harmed due to a malfunctioning truck component, the manufacturer or designer responsible for that part may be held liable for the resulting costs.

Our dedicated legal team can assist you in seeking compensation if you’ve been injured in a truck accident caused by:

  • Brake Malfunctions – Brake issues put Texans at risk of injury or fatality. Brake malfunctions can result from various causes, including inadequate maintenance, poor upkeep, and overheating.
  • Tire Defects – Faulty tires on any vehicle are dangerous, and the risk of severe accidents escalates when large trucks are equipped with defective tires. Given the size of commercial trucks, any mechanical malfunction can lead to serious accidents causing substantial injuries and property damage.
  • Inadequate Underride Protection – Underride guards are mandated for trucks with semitrailers and are standard on most 18-wheeler trucks. However, some trucks lack the necessary protection for other vehicles during a collision.
  • Trailer Malfunctions – A malfunctioning truck poses a risk to everyone on the road due to the weight and size of trucks and their loads. Trailer malfunctions can result in hazardous situations, including broken hitches, cracked frames, faulty support chains, unsecured doors, and poorly secured trailer ball locks.

You shouldn’t have to bear the burden of injuries caused by a truck malfunction alone. Instead, the designer or manufacturer responsible for the faulty auto part may be obligated to cover your medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.

Negligence by Trucking Companies

Trucking companies are responsible for ensuring the safety of their drivers and vehicles, which also protects others on the road. Errors during hiring, training, and scheduling processes might place an incapable driver behind the wheel of a powerful 18-wheeler truck. Failure to adequately inspect and maintain the company’s truck fleet can also result in unsafe vehicles on the road. These negligent actions can cause significant and long-lasting harm to innocent parties.

The following forms of negligence are frequently responsible for accidents:

  • Inadequate Training – Proper training for truck drivers is crucial for safe driving. Trucking companies must provide training to ensure their employees are equipped to handle the demands of long-distance hauling. Common inadequate training issues include failure to pass road tests, misunderstanding hours-of-service regulations, improper training for specialized materials transport, and a lack of training with experienced professionals. Inadequate training can lead to severe accidents when drivers aren’t prepared to operate their commercial vehicles.
  • Hours-of-Service Violations – Because truck drivers frequently travel long distances across state lines, hours-of-service regulations ensure they get adequate rest between driving sessions. Fatigue-related accidents often occur due to drivers violating these regulations. Rules include a maximum of 14 hours on the road before a 10-hour break, a mandatory 30-minute break during a 14-hour shift, and limits of 60 hours over seven days or 70 hours over eight days.
  • Negligent Hiring – Trucking companies must ensure their drivers are qualified and responsible before hiring them. Unfortunately, some companies make poor hiring decisions and employ drivers with a history of reckless driving or a lack of qualifications. Companies might be liable for negligent hiring if they employ individuals with expired licenses, inadequate qualifications, histories of substance abuse, or previous driving infractions.
  • Failure to Inspect Vehicles – Neglecting vehicle inspections can lead to serious accidents. Consequences include defective parts, fluid leaks, and worn brakes, all of which can cause accidents on the road.

Trucking companies must adequately prepare both drivers and vehicles for the long distances they’re expected to cover. Neglecting this responsibility increases the risk of collisions, threatening the safety of others on the road.

Truck Driver Errors and Negligence

All drivers are responsible for safe driving, but this responsibility is even more crucial for those operating 18-wheelers and semi-trucks. Due to their size and power, commercial trucks can cause catastrophic accidents if their drivers act negligently. In Texas, high traffic volumes make the consequences of truck driver errors particularly severe. Victims of truck accidents should pursue legal action against the careless drivers responsible for their injuries to discourage such dangerous behavior in the future.

Truck drivers must operate their vehicles safely while obeying traffic laws. Mistakes are unacceptable when handling large, potentially destructive machinery. Drivers who fail to prioritize safety and cause accidents through their negligence might be held accountable for the damages or injuries they cause.

Examples of truck driver negligence include:

  • Aggressive Driving – Truck drivers might become impatient on the road, leading to aggressive driving behaviors. Aggressive driving significantly increases the likelihood of accidents and harm to innocent individuals.
  • Driving in Adverse Conditions – Maneuvering an 18-wheeler in adverse conditions is challenging, and this challenge is magnified in states like Texas with high traffic volumes. Poor weather can reduce visibility, inhibit sudden stops, lengthen reaction times, cause hydroplaning, and affect vehicle stability, all of which can lead to accidents.
  • Driving with an Overweight Load – While there are federal and state guidelines regarding maximum load weights for commercial trucks, some companies ignore these rules and send out trucks with excessive loads. An overloaded trailer can compromise a driver’s ability to control the vehicle properly, affecting braking and maneuverability.
  • Failure to Signal Turns – Failing to signal a turn is negligent behavior by the driver, but the trucking company might also share responsibility. The company’s failure to run background checks, ignore a driver’s poor driving history, or provide inadequate training could contribute to the accident. In such cases, both the driver and the company may be liable for the victim’s injuries.

Drivers who disregard basic safety standards, leading to accidents, can be held liable for the resulting damages and injuries.

No-Zone Accidents

Semi-trucks and 18-wheelers have large blind spots around their vehicles due to their size. Truck drivers must be vigilant in monitoring these “no-zones,” where visibility is limited. Failure to check for other vehicles in these areas can result in collisions and severe accidents.

The main blind spots around these large trucks are:

  • A substantial area directly behind the trailer
  • A small area directly in front of the truck
  • An area directly beside and slightly behind the driver’s side of the vehicle
  • A large area extending behind most of the passenger’s side of the vehicle

 Garbage Truck Accidents

Garbage trucks are some of the largest vehicles operating on city roads, and accidents involving them can lead to serious injuries. Victims of garbage truck accidents often require extensive medical treatment and may struggle to regain their lives. In many places, municipal authorities operate garbage trucks, making it challenging for victims to seek compensation.

In Texas, municipal garbage trucks handle residential trash collection, while private companies compete for commercial businesses. This competition can lead to safety compromises, resulting in accidents and injuries.

As garbage truck accidents increase in Texas, it’s time to hold all operators accountable for the suffering they cause to accident victims.

Trust Smith Magincalda With your Truck Accident Case

If you or a loved one has been involved in a truck accident in Texas, Smith Magincalda is here to help you navigate the legal process and seek the compensation you deserve. Contact us at +1 (888) 322-4665. Your safety matters, and we’re committed to fighting for your rights in the face of negligence and accidents involving large commercial trucks.

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