Neck and Back Injurys

Recovering from neck and back injuries

Accidents can lead to serious neck and back injuries, even if they seem minor at first. Things like truck or motorcycle accidents, getting hit while walking, construction site incidents, slipping, tripping, or falling – they can all cause major problems. From whiplash and fractures to herniated discs and spinal cord injuries, the consequences can be life-changing.

If you’ve hurt your neck or back because of someone else’s mistake, you have the right to ask for money from the person responsible. How bad your injury is and how long it takes you to get better – if you can fully recover – will decide how much money you can get. Neck and back injuries can be really painful and last a long time, so you deserve to be compensated for them.

How a good lawyer helps in neck and back injury cases

A good lawyer who knows about back and neck injuries will look carefully at what happened in your accident. They’ll listen to your worries, answer your questions, and help you understand what you can do. After studying all the details about your neck or back injury, Smith Magincalda will be able to figure out how much your claim is worth.

Insurance companies usually want to pay as little money as possible when someone is hurt. They might try to get you to accept an offer that sounds like a lot but is way less than what you really deserve. Working with experienced personal injury lawyers can help you avoid these traps and make sure you’re treated fairly.

Trying to get money for your neck or back injury on your own, without understanding everything about your injury and getting the right medical care, could end up costing you a lot of money. If you’ve had a bad accident, it’s not a good idea to fight with an insurance company by yourself. You shouldn’t agree to their offer unless you really know what your options are. Smith Magincalda is there to shed light on all of your options.

Lots of accident victims don’t know all the special words and rules in medical records. Sometimes, insurance companies might disagree about whether you need more medical care or if your accident caused your injuries. It’s also easy to forget important deadlines when you’re busy with doctor appointments.

When you work with Smith Magincalda, you don’t need to worry about confusing words and tricky rules. Our team understands these things and will make sure you’re taken care of, so you can focus on getting better.

We will assist you in the following:

  • Figuring out who is responsible and what insurance can help pay you;
  • Calculating how much money you lost because of the injury, like doctor bills and not being able  to work.
  • Talking to the insurance companies and make sure they pay you what’s fair.
  • If the insurance companies don’t agree, we can help you take your case to court and ask a judge and jury for help.

Smith Magincalda is here to make sure you get the right compensation after serious neck and back injuries. To start on this journey, call us at +1 (888) 322-4665 for a free confidential consultation. We’re here to help you get what you deserve and make things right.

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